Sunday, November 13, 2016

Michigan State Football Game Attendance

Michigan State Football's student section is one of the school's biggest points of pride. Despite this, many fans leave the football games early and the stadium atmosphere suffers as a result.

One of the biggest concerns is about game time. Some of the rules of college football have lead too much longer games than that of NFL or high school football. 

“The lengthening of games is impacting the retention of fans, not just students but all fans, with the game lasting well beyond three hours, which is contradictory to the history. We’ve got games that can go three and a half, four, four and a half hours long,” said Paul Schager, the Associate Athletic Director at Michigan State.

Schager said that athletic directors are concerned about game length.

On top of this, many students have also expressed concern over this issue “If the games were shorter, meaning there weren’t so many time outs or stoppages and media breaks, I think people would maybe stick around longer,” Said MSU Junior Erik Jacobsen.

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